• Saturday, July 27, 2024


WATCH: Langurs at India ashram eat in disciplined queue on Lord Hanuman’s birthday

Langurs eat food by sitting in a queue at an ashram in the western Indian state of Maharashtra on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, which marks the birthday of Lord Hanuman, on April 8, 2023. (Picture: Twitter screengrab/@rajneesh_0888)

By: Shubham Ghosh

A unique Hanuman Jayanti, which marks the birth anniversary of Hindu god Hanuman, was celebrated at Kothali Bujruk village in Akola district of the western Indian state of Maharashtra.

Ramdas Maharaj Shinde, the head priest of a local ashram — Mungsaji Maharaj Ashram — served a treat to a troop of langurs who were seen sitting in order to eat food served to them in stainless steel plates.

The animals did not disturb people who were nearby and pictures and videos of their troops’ disciplined act became viral on social media.

Ramdas Maharaj Shinde told India’s Times of India that it is something the ashram does every year during Hanuman Jayanti. The langurs are served with their natural food such as fruits and nuts while humans consume delicacies.

“We have this feast for monkeys every year on Hanuman Jayanti. The only change this year was that it went viral on social media,” the Times of India quoted him as saying.

At the ashram, saint Mungsaji Maharaj is worshipped along with Lord Hanuman.

People who posted videos and pictures of the unique feast called it a miracle but the head priest begged to differ.

He told the daily that they have befriended the langurs over the years and the animals have now learnt to live with humans. He said the ashram people feed the langurs the entire year, especially during the summer when they find it difficult to get their food naturally.

“They trust us,” the Maharaj was quoted as saying.

He himself also enjoyed the feast sitting alongside the langurs and they did not attack him.

Veterinarian Dr Sudesh Mandpe told the Times of India that monkeys are social animals and do not create problems for others if they are served adequate food.

Whatever the reason might be, the scene of langurs taking food in a peaceful queue on the occasion of Lord Hanuman’s birthday was a huge hit among netizens.

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