• Sunday, May 19, 2024

Possible Problems That Can Cause Delay or Refusal in UK Immigration Visa


Every year, thousands of British citizens and the permanent residency holders marry outside the state and want to bring their spouses to the UK. Family members living outside the state can be sponsored too, and they can get the visa after all the paperwork has gone through the processing. Visa matters are very critical, and a small mistake or negligence could cause a refusal of your application. Refusal can be depressing, and you’ll have to apply all over again for the visa by submitting your application again. It is possible that the embassy will refuse your application again. Therefore, it becomes crucial for you to get proper advice and immigration help from a professional agency that will guide you correctly. You should find yourself a professional solicitor for UK visas who will deal with your visa matters and will make sure that you and the applicant meet all the requirements to be eligible for submitting an application.

The following are some common types of problems that can cause a delay or a refusal of your entire application.

Insufficient evidence

When applying for the visa of your applicant, you have to make sure that you provide the embassy with all the detailed proofs of your relationship. Don’t hesitate to share more than enough proves. Insufficient evidence can delay your application for a long time until more evidence is provided or even cause a refusal. Provide them with marriage and honeymoon photographs in case you are sponsoring a spouse.

Inadequate accommodation

Not having sufficient accommodation in the UK can also cause a refusal. The UK government makes sure that the sponsor has enough room to accommodate the applicant, and the house won’t get overcrowded at all. This problem can, however, be solved if you provide an immigration property inspection report to the embassy. A professional will tell you how to provide it.

Criminal record

Your application has a 70% chance of getting refused if you or the applicant have a previous criminal record. You might ignore your slight mistakes when living in the UK, but the government keeps a record of everything related to you. Visa could also be rejected if your applicant has previously tried to fool the embassy by providing forged documents or false statements to gain entry into the UK, and it gets extremely difficult to apply for their application again.

Not passing the language test score

At times, the embassy asks for a language test, commonly known as SELT or IELTS. There is a passing score in that test. If the applicant fails to perform well in that test and ends up getting a score below the passing line, then maybe the embassy might reject or delay the application. You have to make sure that you at least perform average in that test to pass it. The language test is mostly for students or visitors, but you never know when the embassy asks you for it.


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