• Saturday, July 27, 2024


Trade Unions Announce Nationwide Strike In India

“The central government not only failed to respond to the genuine demands of the working people, but continued its brazen aggression against the rights of workers, in the interest of their corporate masters. Bipartism and tripartism is given a go-by. Labour laws are being sought to be overhauled in favour of the employers’ class,” the statement said (Photo: NOAH SEELAM/AFP/Getty Images).

By: indiaweekly.biz Staff

CENTRAL trade unions on Monday gave a call for a nationwide general strike on January 8 against government’s alleged failure to respond to demands of workers.

As many as 10 central unions announced the strike in national open mass convention of workers, as per a joint statement issued by them.

“The central government not only failed to respond to the genuine demands of the working people, but continued its brazen aggression against the rights of workers, in the interest of their corporate masters. Bipartism and tripartism is given a go-by. Labour laws are being sought to be overhauled in favour of the employers’ class,” the statement said.

“BJP Government continues to vindictively deprive the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) from all representations. No Indian Labour Conference has been held after July 2015. Pre-budget consultations have become a sham,” it added.

The central unions are pressing for a 12-point Charter of Demands.

“The National Convention of Workers recorded its strong denunciation of the communal forces which are cultivating an atmosphere of conflicts within the society on non-issues, giving an opportunity to the government to deflect the attention of the masses from core issues of unemployment, run away price rise, and others,” the statement said.

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